Friday, March 2, 2012

This week stress advice:  Take a look at your ways to cope with stress. 

Some people are thought to do better than others fighting the stress. Maybe that is true and we can admire those who SEEM to do be able to manage everything without greater efforts. I hate to shatter your believes but the human being is really programed in a simple way in coping with stress. Do not misunderstand. The biological and psychological response are immensely complex but the output, our response, is most often the same. We subconsciously try to protect us by saying things like: "I'll do that tomorrow" or "My wife dose nothing to improve our marriage". 

A coworker aways had the standard reply to every problem that came up at work: "It is awful how badly the directorate is handling this plan". But others noted that he hardly ever came up with solutions on his own.

All these thoughts are automatic and serve the purpose to sooth our mind for a spell in a difficult or stressful situations but can in the long run lead to unchanged habits and unsolved problems if we are not able to start reacting and look for solutions.
Be more aware of what are your habits or usual reactions when you are coping with stress. Are your methods fruitful? 
Don't try to change the world. Start with yourself and improve your own reactions to stress. Good luck!

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